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English 基本英文700選の暗唱3周目


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1周目は,1つの英文を30回繰り返して覚えた (nlog(n): 英語の短文暗唱は最低30回)。2周目も30回繰り返し暗唱をし始めたが,記憶はできるがスラスラと言えるようにはなっておらず回数不足を感じたので,途中から100回に繰り返し回数を上げ,記憶に染み込ませることにした (nlog(n): 英語の短文暗唱が2周目に突入)。トレーニング法も工夫したので,記憶に定着する実感が持ててきている (nlog(n): 英短文暗唱トレーニング法 - 私の場合)。2周目が終わったので,一番最初のページで確認してみることにした。日本語訳だけを見て,英文が浮かんでくるかのテストである。

  1. 私の家は駅から歩いてわずか5分のところです。
  2. 私の時計は1分か2分進んで(遅れて)いるかもしれません。
  3. 彼女は部屋の中を歩きまわっていた。心配でじっとすわっていられぬらしかった。
  4. あなたほどの才能の持ち主が世間に知られずにいるのは惜しいことです。
  5. 朝晩だんだん冷えてきました。やがて木の葉も赤や黄に変わることでしょう。
  6. たしかに車は便利だが,結局高いものにつく。
  7. ある晩彼は,すっかり疲れ憂うつになって帰ってきた。
  8. 昨年の今頃は大雪だった。
  9. 「歯がひどく痛むんです」「すぐ歯医者にみてもらいなさい」
  10. きのうのパーティーに来ればよかったのに。とてもおもしろかったよ。
  11. 「君の時計は正確ですか」「いいえ,1日に10分も進む(遅れる)んです」


  1. My house is only five minutes' walk from the station.
  2. My watch may be one or two minutes late fast (slow).
  3. She kept walking about the room. She seemed not to be sitting because of being afraid of too uneasy to sit still.
  4. It is a pity that a man of your ability should not be known in public remain unknown to the world.
  5. It is getting colder and colder morning and evening. It would turn the leaves into The leaves of the trees will soon turn red or yellow.
  6. It is true that a A car is convenient, to be sure, but, expensive at last after all, it will prove expensive.
  7. At a One night he came home very tired and sad.
  8. We had a very huge much snow about this time last year.
  9. "I have a terrible toothache." "You'd better go and see the doctor see a dentist at once."
  10. We missed you very much at the party last night yesterday. We had a very good time indeed.
  11. "Does your watch keep good time?" "No, it delays gains (loses) ten minutes a day."




  1. My house is only five minutes' walk from the station.
  2. My watch may be one or two minutes fast.
  3. She kept walking about the room. She seemed to too uneasy to sit still.
  4. It is a pity that a man like you of your ability remains should remain unknown to the world.
  5. It is getting colder and colder morning and evening. The leaves of the trees will soon turn red or yellow.
  6. A car is convenient, to be sure, but, after all, it will cost prove expensive.
  7. One night he came home very tired and sad.
  8. We have had much snow about this time last year.
  9. "I have a terrible toothache." "You must be consulted a dentist had better see a dentist at once."
  10. We missed you very much at the party yesterday. It was fun. We had a very good time indeed.
  11. "Does your watch keep good time?" "No, it gains ten minutes a day."


  1. My house is only five minutes' walk from the station.
  2. My watch may be one or two minutes fast (slow).
  3. She kept walking about the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still.
  4. I think it a great It is a pity that a man like youof your ability should remain unknown to the world.
  5. It is getting colder and colder morning and evening. The leaves of the trees will soon turn red or yellow.
  6. A car is convenient, to be sure, but, after all, it will prove expensive.
  7. One night he came back home very tired and sad.
  8. We had much snow about this time last year.
  9. "I have a terrible toothache." "You had better go and see the doctor a dentist at once."
  10. We missed you very much at the party yesterday. We had a very good time indeed.
  11. "Does your watch keep good time?" "No, it gains (loses) ten minutes a day."


6. A car is convenient, to be sure, but, after all, it would cost will prove expensive.



基本英文700選 (駿台受験叢書)


鈴木 長十,伊藤 和夫

Posted by n at 2009-01-09 06:44 | Edit | Comments (0) | Trackback(0)

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